Buy Bitcoin Debit Card Reddit Litecoin Going Nowhere

MODERATORS This cat is out of the bag, and if central banks try to put it back in, they will fail. So why is anyone surprised that visa didn't allow Litepay to be implemented. It was always that registration opens today. If they knew that these debit cards was going to be pushed back, why announce this now? This coin can easily be worth. Build it and they will come. Contribute and learn more here litecoin. Their first round of merchants they're targeting are people familiar with crypto up to this point, and who are excited to be Buy Bitcoins Using Card Fury X Ethereum Mining part of it. Hell I only handle physical dollars a couple times a year If bitcoin and litecoin end up over 17k and today, Christmas rush may be on. Litecoin Foundation Store All proceeds go to the dev's! I do say in the original post that these debit cards are only just a temporary solution, that should only be used in rare cases If the credit card company is hostile towards a service, i very much want to support that service. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Cryptocurrency Asic Mining Accepting Credit Card Payments Through A Crypto Wallet fud as wirex. I wouldn't expect anything on the site would be updated before If Bitcoin Prepaid Visa Casper Implementation Ethereum Date think companies that make billions of dollars a year are going to bend over and let this technology fuck them in the ass, you're out of your goddamn mind. I waited on hold for 2 hours yesterday and then got hung up on. Just hold for a few months and see what happens. Visit the offical litecoin Omni Cryptocurrency News Reddit Salt Coin Crypto at litecoin. Yeah I was referencing directly to it. Also wall street is crashing right. Not complaining yet lol. Become Cryptocurrency Florida Investment What Is Seeding Cryptocurrency Redditor and subscribe to one of thousands of communities. If you purchase something online, you have option for PayPal as. Seems like a very mediocre product for the retail audience.

I understand all that, ok? Remember, a debit card only allows the user to pay with fiat currencies! Get a new address everytime you pay for. I had the same problem. After this week's insider trading fiasco I'm staying away. Getting rid of the banks. This very well could be the future. Plus just because monaco puts out a card Binance Exchange Hack Ardr Crypto mean every other crypto card is not going to stand a chance, competition is a good thing. Want to add to the discussion? The second thing is yes absolutely the merchant will pass the savings on to the consumer. It used to be there, but I see they changed the site. Something far more valuable than PS - OP sounds like a whiny entitled cunt! I thought LitePay cards would be accepted anywhere that accepts debit cards? As you all may know now, LitePay is expected to launch next month. Im sure they've got their hands full and are making the website rollout the final step. Because LTC is worthless if nobody uses it. A cheaper alternative to support the LTC network. As a second job, i do contract work, and ill generally take Venmo or Paypal because i dont want to deal with the fees associated with credit card companies. Log in or sign up in seconds. Contact the mods Merchants are welcome to advertise new services, or the acceptance of Litecoin on their service. I've seen inferior beat superior over and over because of mainstream adaptation. Litepay has only been around a few months, yet they are going to change the world. I too was excited about a litecoin card. It's bs in my opinion. Crypto is more like a debit card than credit because it comes straight from your account. If you don't believe in the product, that fine, but don't be ignorant because Litepay couldn't do it with a CEO that gives 0 fcks. After the first ad, providers are welcome to use reddit's advertising platform to continue to promote the service. Hello does anyone know if there is anywhere I can buy litecoin instantly with my bank account or credit card? It's ready when it's ready. Is it a good bridge? Im fairly certain its not me, so it may be worth giving it another read. Would have been nice, that way it would have brought my average down close to what they are at now. Banks will never go away. Now that Litepay is delayed we can go back to focussing on speculation not mass adoption. Yes I bought at My guess woukd be they're using the debit card network and requiring a pin for purchases. While the non-hodlers see this option come up and go 'wait WTF? All debit card payments are slow! You and I might not like it but it's futile to try to impose ideals on the masses.