Cboe Cryptocurrencies Ethereum Metropolis Reddit

MODERATORS However if you Next Big Cryptocurrency Reddit Ethereum Free Wallet the risk associated with the stable progression of Bitcoin with the high risk of experimentation with Ethereum, I would still put my money on Bitcoin. Every couple of hundred dollar increase requires effort. Side chains intend to compete with Ethereum directly via smart contracts pegged to the Bitcoin blockchain. That's a very good point Trustable Bitcoin Faucets Litecoin Hardware Comparison, I had actually forgotten about stop-less orders, that must be pretty significant. If I go to Singapore whcih I do somewhat regularly and tried to pay in Canadian dollars, they'd laugh in my face. I'm guessing you must be one of those nervously underwater longs I'm referring. I did say. Then bought ethereum because of all the good news coming that way, and it tripled in a couple days and after dipping a bit is still going Gtx 1070 Hashrate Bitcoin Ethereum By Minute Price. I am not a fan of BU solution. There's no huge electricity costs, no huge hardware costs, and making the operation times bigger just means having times more ether. Institutions have not purchased. I'm mostly talking about the next months. Perhaps in a few more years, it will be finished, but until then it isn't. With a coin like DASH where you know that a certain percentage of the coins are locked in masternodes, it's much easier to pump since those coins are basically off the market. Sharding comes after proof of stake, so node bandwidth costs will never skyrocket. I can not agree with you more on this point. I have a hard time finding anything superior about PoW. Its failure to scale has rendered it far less than a 10x improvement over other currencies. If you want a more efficient PoW network, convince people to use lower transaction fees and wait until the block rewards die. True, but it can do everything Bitcoin can and Bitcoin Casino 999 Ethereum Wallet Downloading Blocks. Cboe Cryptocurrencies Ethereum Metropolis Reddit, remember this and don't wait for the Bitcoin "bubble" to burst or for the price to drop significantly again, because you could Cboe Cryptocurrencies Ethereum Metropolis Reddit waiting forever:. I am not worried about the lack of innovation in bitcoin, I'm worried about the hostile takeover of blockstream How To Change Bitcoin Into Cash Should I Leave Litecoin Client Running trying to turn into the central bank of bitcoin. You can correct inaccurate link-flair assignments by typing "[AutoMod]" along with the flair name in a top-level comment, e.

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Need new one and kill the old one? Want to add to the discussion? Is recovered from and has been balancing around the line since. That consensus means a lot. No electricity required staking pool takes care of validating , no specialized hardware required. Easier to innovate by creating a new token and more profitable if it catches on. Because it sounds like you're grasping at straws to me. No, I'm saying handwavy hypotheticals don't count as delivering. If the market was rewarding cheap transactions or number of transactions, then ETH or BCH would be rising every day instead of falling. I don't know how to describe it other than it feels just like the internet did back in the early 90s. Would those external factors be visible in the charts you posted? The vast majority of longs on now are underwater, as price has been falling for 6 months. This is the strictest regulation possible; by math and cryptography! Everyone got what they wanted. I would love to here your thoughts on these potential issues. Raiden, as already stated. According to your theory, if ETH were to fall months straight, those longs should close their positions, right? I am very disappointed in their lack of integrity with putting their money where their mouths are; myself and many others wanted to sell a lot of B2X for BTC! There use to be a plausible narrative that alternative blokchains were testnets for prototyping new technologies in Bitcoin, but it's now quite clear that Bitcoin is not able to adapt fast enough Bitcoin Mining Profitability Calc Buy Btc Mining Shares new technological developments to follow up with what's going on. Bitcoin's divisibility can be increased. What makes you so confident that same scenario can't present itself again? But how could they do this? I believe it can offer improvements in some areas dapps being Hashflare Contract Bitcointalk Speculation Altcoins obvious examplebut I fear that ETH could just be at the same place bitcoin was in I would love for ETH to Cboe Cryptocurrencies Ethereum Metropolis Reddit some of Convert Bitcoins To Canadian Dollars How To Check Ethereum Balance issues bitcoin is wrestling. I still find myself leaning more and more towards Ethereum these days. Some of the Zcash team are the actual inventors of ZKSnarks. Ethereum is also another distributed blockchain currency, it Best Bank To Sell Local Bitcoin Litecoin Projected Value 2020 has some extra bells and whistles. OP shorted so he makes a post like this hoping to drive the price. The crypto market is highly volatile. You'll see the short position How To Buy On Gdax Half A Bitcoin Us Crypto Exchanges To Buy Litecoin at exactly the same time as price peaked. Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet. Look at the long term chart and you'll the see the highest short position was back in June at exactly the same time when price was highest. PoS is safer since the community can easily hard fork away from attackers. I tend to agree, I just thought it was funny that this guy wrote a wall of text and you were like, "nah it's goin up baby! Any brief spikes such as the October 24th spike can be used to add to our short. I would never recommend anybody enter a trade based on what some guy on the internet says, but do your own research, and if you come to the same conclusions as me, by all means, enter your short and then do the Why Is Cryptocurrency Worth Anything The Bitcoin Genesis Bitcoin And Cryptocurrency Technologies Min. That said, it would be easy enough to have exchanges and the rest of the ecosystem to start pricing it in smaller units. Considering we are at or near 6 months lows, that means it's quite likely the vast majority of those longs are currently underwater. Andreas explains it very well in its talk "the 5 stages of grief banking edition" How bankers react is very similar to the way Kodak, Blockbuster, Barnes and nobles reacted when faced with new tech. Whose goal is this? Those margin longs would not "sell into the rally" if they are smart, they would let the rally climb as high as they think it Cboe Cryptocurrencies Ethereum Metropolis Reddit go, and then sell after doubling or tripling their investment. But no, it is not. But how is that being a cheerleader for the DAO? Time will tell though, good luck. So, if they go short they can buy bitcoin so that the price goes up and then dump it just before the contract ends which makes the price go. That's really the crux of the matter. I'll keep an open mind until I know a lore. I would be interested to see if the positioning is similar on other platforms

If Ether grew to truly compete with Bitcoin, it would be ripped apart by struggles for control just the. Trolling, in all its forms, will lead to a suspension or permanent ban. In any case, I stand by my argument Gdax To Binance Top 5 Crypto Index until this long position gets greatly reduced, no major price rally could possibly occur. Bitcoin and Ethereum may survive and thrive, but something we're not even expecting may end up winning instead. Still an Best Mini Cryptocurrency Wallets Worthwhile Crypto but the consensus seems to point to Ethereum over any of the other alt coins. Devcon 3 is next Buy Bitcoin With Whole Foods Gift Card How To Get Ethereum Holding Tenx In My Ether Wallet the biggest ETH conference once again people are expecting a price run since there is bound to be exciting news. The only way that reverting would make sense is if the fees in ETH rose so high in comparison to BTC that we could save the thousands of dollars it costs to take the risk of new code and pay someone to write it, and that is unlikely to happen. It's like McAffee tweets—we simply won't care anymore. Vitalik has stated that there's a big chance of ethereum being deflationary once PoS kicks in. Consolidation via survivorship bias is already a trend in motion. Because bitcoin is tech, and hasn't really improved since then, and can't improve due to centralized PoW. PoS is Cboe Cryptocurrencies Ethereum Metropolis Reddit at decentralization. You got the causation reversed because you know in your heart Ethereum is a threat to your precious Bitcoin. There is something about ETH Are you familiar with the DAO debacle? Thanks Bitcoin Segwit Explorer Litecoin Mining On Mac clarifying and softening your position. I see what you're saying and it's not true. While we cannot be sure when the capitulation event occurs, we can be reasonably secure that no rally will occur before that happens, thus allowing us the patience to enter our shorts and wait it out. Still almost nobody does it. It will contribute to hyperdeflation which won't be sustainable. I don't see how you can explain anything when it's obvious you don't understand it. None of that can be denied. Read the forums not bitcoin forums. Originally posted here with images and Youtube videos. I know there are ideas on how to cram terabytes of contacts in to a blockchain That's what a capitulation event is. Everybody instead kept everyone they ever came across, including buying out banks whenever they had the chance. Because you personally don't have a need or desire for immutability doesn't mean it is not important. As you say, since longs are continuously open and closing, not ALL are majority. But as I said, you get the idea that Dapps essentially say the site can't cheat you but reputable sites emerge on their own without the requirement of a Turing based network. If I try to right a 'tl;dr' i'll just write more words No referral links in submissions. If ETH is to retrace at those kind of levels, it will require a specific event i. If either Bitcoin becomes centralized or this stalemate continues then Bitcoin will keep losing market share rapidly until it no longer is the market leader. If you've got the conviction to hold for an extended period of time, this shouldn't concern you. Remember, it's highly unlikely that any of the longs now are longs from then. Whomever opened those positions could hold them for years and still end up with massive profits if they closed anywhere above 0. THey go long, maybe borrow on margin, even though price has been falling.

Eth is getting zksnarks zcash AND monero style ring signatures on the next update metropolis. As you can see there is a very low fluctuation in long positions compared to shorts which, to me, means that the majority of longs are perma bulls on ETH. I like the zerohedge quote in this context. Any affiliation with an exchange, product or service that's being discussed must be Cboe Cryptocurrencies Ethereum Metropolis Reddit. The same dumbass that was predicting huge BTC crash upon halving, among other crap predictions. Are they going to hold the whole way down as the support leaves? As this is the real-world cost users are willing to pay to utilize the system, despite the cheaper alternatives. I'll just keep looping Charlie brown's Christmas time is here. And prices tend Litecoin Bitcoin Percent Increase Ripple Cryptocurrency Buy look cheap when it is lower then the recent past, hence why long positions tend to build up as price falls. User count is pretty much always going to equate to more independent node count. Be aware that Bitcoin Chart Live Binance How Long Transfer To Poloniex,. And anyway, What Does Mining Cryptocurrency Mean Ethereum Transaction Missing if you think Bitcoin is technically inferior, and illogically believe it won't be improved, the world is rife with crappy design that stuck around because of network effects. Doesn't matter which side of the fence you sit, but if you one is going to base their opinion on the views of others then it as at least prudent to look at a wider pool of opinion outside of our own echo chamber. That's argument 2 and 3; safety and flow of value. I dont think ETH is a bad longterm buy at this price but there might be a substantial correction in the medium term. People could be paying high fees now, yet already chose to make other plans, or invested elsewhere because of it. PoS is environmentally friendly. Sounds like this guy thought he would get rich off of faucets and sadly found that he's too late to the money tree. Which actually increase risk. Your analysis is very good, just a few months too late I'm afraid. Not necessarily, gold bars are not cheap or easy to spend and neither are gemstones but they have value because enough people agree on it Everything in ethereum was called a "handwavy hypothetical" by people with their heads up their asses. It MAY still be the best place to put your money, OR it may be overbought and bitcoin may be becoming oversold and at or near the bottom. So you are admitting that bitcoin is no longer about sending low fee, fast transactions, and more about a hold of value? Eventually, they stop waiting and start selling, and if enough of them sell, it turns into a bloodbath. ETH definitely has potential, but that really has very little to do with the current market valuation. Set the attacker's funds to 0 and move on with life. Just before the close of the Bitcoin futures contract, they sell everything:. Yet the number of long positions has increased over that period. The financial industry in HK is incredibly regulated, with some of the toughest white collar crime laws in the world. Bitcoin is anarchic and largely ungoverned - which means it has democratic legitimacy, even if democracy is expressed by hash power - whereas ethereum is run as a "benevolent dictatorship" whereby vitalik calls the shots and all decision making is opaque and not formalized. Personally I think based on tangible value, ETH is overpriced. In February would you have made this same post, or would you have been predicting a 15x gain based on the margin data? Because banks have never done anything illegal right? Still almost nobody does it. Ethereum may be huge in the future, but for now is pure speculation and has not much real value. During the market slump last week, there was some banter on Reddit that the crash was going to end Wednesday, January 17 at 4: I honestly do not think crashing BTC over and over will accomplish anything. You can see, it literally doesn't go down at all, except maybe over a day or two. So bitcoin is inflexible, and ethereum suffers from arbitrariness and legitimacy issues. Dark nets, gambling, online purchases either through buying discounted gift cards or directly paying in BTC , store of value, etc. I'm up for debate lol. That is my problem here.