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MODERATORS These are the same kind of people who will all rush to the exit the moment things go south. We've begun to accept Bitcoin in payment for certain products and services and can't show it on our books in our multi-currency package. It just isn't the behavior I expect from Xero and your thoughts on this diminish my respect for your product. Xero would then interpolate between those points. Might have to switch! Yes, that's one option. The only authority on the network is Cryptocurrency Take Network To Run Learning To Invest In Crypto Currency the majority of bitcoin users agree on, and in practice that means nothing more than the basic rules of the network are ever enforced. Submitting links to blogs or news sites which are notorious for this activity will result in suspension or permanent ban. That could be an option. The stance from is understandable, but things have changed significantly and it is kind of sad to see xero themselves had a blog post on the topic https: It's the most valuable resource we. Like actually physically unwell when you think about it. Please make quality contributions and follow the rules for posting. Even if that's the case aren't you making more How Much Is 1 Bitcoin Worth In Gbp Ethereum Private Blockchain Dapp just buying after it crashes than juat holding? There are many places in Xero that assume a 2dp currency. Just because it hasn't happened so far doesn't mean prices won't return to realistical valuations but yeah might take a. It's so much easier than integrating with a bank. The impact to the back end would be pretty substantial, not undoable, but a substantial change. Xero is not able to handle the concept of more than 2 decimal places and do not want more customers. If I understood it quickly. That, however, doesn't mean they shouldn't do it.

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Around March it was blindingly obvious XRP was going up. When will this support be added? I'm about Bitcoin Money Florida Ethereum South Korea start evaluating other accounting packages for a switch next year. You all made your choices, grow up and accept reality. Agree with Brittany H. No Spam Referral linking is strictly prohibited and will be met with a long-term or permanent ban. Xero doesn't want to do it because Cryptocurrency Take Network To Run Learning To Invest In Crypto Currency would have to extend the number of decimal places, a seemingly trivial issue, but nonetheless they don't want to. And try reading the bit about ETH very closely. As much as I complain on individual feature requests to get a new feature they aren't going to react to those comments instead they "may" react to votes. Then 1 Satoshi the smallest unit would be 0. I have made it clear I like ETH a lot and the ideas behind it. Hardly FOMO now, is it? I simply stated that many coins with a market cap times greater than WISH's cap don't even have a working product. Most old businesses aren't going to start using bitcoin soon, but the new businesses who are tech savvy are exactly the kind that Xero should be trying to attract, and exactly the kind that are going to be put off using xero because it's too difficult for them but Quickbooks have already been doing it for a year. Others, such as Ethereum or Bat, take the same principle but apply it to a specific purpose: Keep Discussions on Topic Idealogical posts or comments about politics are considered nonconstructive, off-topic, and will be removed. So I would like the option to add a new currency for the peso so I can enter the exchange rates manually. If people knew the tax implications of jumping between these pennie stocks or these shitty billion market cap coins, they would just buy and hold coins with fundamentals. Its not a stock its a worldwide market. Be the software that allows people to pay or receive crypto's or be a dead dinosaur dying on the side of the road stinking up the community. Purchase of cryptos adds to inventory. There are many places in Xero that assume a 2dp currency. Buy tokens online to replace all centralised accounting software and Bank accounts which you are forced to use. Quite likely, I did say there is money to be earned out there if you are into chasing hyped priced coins. You're giving me the effect, I'm asking about the cause. Report them to the mods instead. Use it or lose it I suppose. It's not good enough, not good enough at all. Jon Matonis at Forbes is the most well-connected reporter who is covering bitcoin. If you want to actually own some bitcoin, there are exactly two options: If this feature doesn't work, please message the modmail. By the time a single bit needs more than two decimal points, bitcoin holders will be so rich they will be able make their own software to do this. But I don't expect Xero to ever add this feature any time soon. There, you can find two answers. If you bought ETH you have done well.