Bitcoin Cold Wallet Reddit How To Participate Ethereum Token Crowdsale

MODERATORS Do not beg for karma. ICOs have become popular due to the ease at which it can be done some very Top Cryptocurrency Firms To Work For Create Paper Crypto Wallet profile projects raising a lot of money and in some cases high capital gains. No, Ripple Hahaha, I really hope you are kidding. Debit card access to your assets. I think you're a pretty smart guy and know your market. Mass user adoption will require these features. They made the blocks come faster 2. If you're waiting for the perfect project you'll be waiting a long time Regardless of the fact that none of you read any of the warnings on this page. Hi I would like some more clarifications on purchasing via ether. Yours, devout user and promoter of Jaxx over the last year. You have no idea how much I hope so. It had been stickied in the chat, and it was posted by someone who made their name and photo look like an admin. It also allows for other contracts to China Exchange Ban Lift Cryptocurrency Mining Parallel Computing with any token through that standard interface called the ABI. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. I've heard others mention the issue before, but I can't recall if there was a fix on the horizon. Maybe one solution would be to keep all tokens in the genesis address,but maintain the HD support for ETH itself? Which ICO can say that? People want cheaper EOS. But during the presentation a question was asked about security, and Latimer essentially had no response and seemed genuinely surprised someone would ask about security. Two word flairs require a hyphen in between. I learned the hard way to ignore scepticism. I support the idea of making the default app behavior more dad-friendly by using only genesis address.

Antshare is way more interesting than eth so you can bash it as you want it doesnt make eth more interesting. That's unfortunate, it's one of the features I liked the. Thats unlike any other chat system I've used. Looking to learn more about BRD's advisors? You need to read this first: With bitcoin a transaction referes to previous transactions that almost never add up to exactly whats being paid so the difference is sent to a change address. Jury duty its a bit of a problem. No URLs in titles. Unstoppable data for unstoppable apps. One other thing to think about We're actually in the midst of defining new derivation paths 1 2 and Add Bitcoin Gambling To Website Litecoin Daily Price new mnemonic format for Ethereum wallets, and it'd be fantastic if Jaxx supported them, at least for sweeping paper wallets. I have several bitcoin "accounts" on my ledger, one for my son for example. It can be improved upon or expanded years down the road if needed. You enjoy your ethics and Ill enjoy mine. We're a very small dev team with complexities of supporting 9 platforms and many chains. If I don't make enough money to buy at least one flat-screen television, I'll probably keep the ICO open longer than initially stated. It does a lot of work at the beginning restoring the private keys for all the wallets we don't keep them on the device, only the encrypted mnemonic. Glad this news is exciting for you. Mass user adoption will require these features. That's going to cause some anger. Ethereum definitely has different needs to Bitcoin-type coins for HD wallets, but I still think it's useful to be able to create multiple accounts from one seed. Does anyone else use and appreciate the HD ether option? If you meet our standards, message the modmail. I swear that specifically confusing, unnecessary Eth HD in Jaxx was my single less favorite part of entire crypto ecosystem. Requires comment karma and 1-month account age. If you don't feel comfortable speculating, then wait for the EOS mainnet to launch next Spring.

Seriously, don't buy these tokens. Become a Redditor and subscribe to one of thousands of communities. Thats unlike any other chat system I've used. This means ethereum transactions dont have change, the amount paid is simply deducted from the balance of the address. In the long run this will happen one way or. Is the price inflated overvalued right now? That's unfortunate, it's one of the features I liked the. And plenty of Binance Coin Overview Poloniex Open Order for not wanting to discuss it at length on this extremely healthy and open minded sub: Khan Academy on Bitcoin Free Course. I don't know why someone would trust a random stranger on a public chat when it would take the same time to go on to the website the check the real address. The Tokencard slack today was taken over by scammers and trolls while the team was busy making sure the sale went smooth. All I see is greed. I understand the confusion How Many Hashes To Mine Electrocrem Genesis Mining Paypal changing ETH adresses brings among Jaxx dads. This Vinny Ligham guy was scpetical about every coin out there with exception of Bitcoin. It can however be much faster than ethereum for the applications that are approved. I think you're confusing Twitter with some other services you've been disappointed on in the past. GNT released a "beta" product, but is still working on it. Hang tight for a little . Please add this request after your next release. EOS is about block. Log in or sign up in seconds. I'm going to reevaluate our options, speak with the team, see what we can come up with for the win-win. I've made the most money flipping ICOs, the logic behind that is slightly different to investing. I have plenty of reason to believe in Ripple. Please follow us on twitter and subscribe to our channel to stay up to date with all our releases. Slides Parity Substrate slides. You can send to contracts in Jaxx, add custom data and adjust gas using the drop down menu in the send screen for Ethereum. I'm not going to subscribe to spam engines and sift through it just in the faint hope that there might be answers there. You'll need to incentive it so people take part BUT it doesn't stop users being lazy and just voting for the reward based on looking at title. Yes, that is our goal. I'm excited what the future holds - and their message consistently comes across that performance matters over profit. There are communities behind these systems and its the communities attachment to one or the other project that gives otherwise indistinguishable technologies like bitcoin to litecoin their value. The market cap is on target to be several billion dollars, at least, which is crazy for something with no working product and very little technical detail from what I can tell. I'm not ideologically tied to any specific block chain, though the more I have invested the harder it is to be objective. Don't see anything great about that site -sorry! Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet. SunContract platform officially launched and new partnerships signed. Thats something that was fixed in a few days but its something that would never happen to bitcoin because of bitcoin being so dumb. It's a different architecture, and one that has definite security tradeoffs in the name of throughput. I have no doubt that a perfect solution would require significant effort, given the inability of the ETH protocol to currently pay gas fees in tokens maybe a new opportunity for SS? Titles must be in English. So as a Jaxx user who only hold Eth is there anything I will need to do on my end when this change is implemented? This right here , the big short is exactly what I thought about watching the recent ico millionaire wannabe crap shoot. HD wallet does have a lot of pros for power users. Your patience is appreciated. But as long as 1ST holders are not primarily whales this shouldn't be a problem. Unlike with every other token sale on the market, I can guarantee here and now that the value of UET will not in fact, can not reduce during or after the ICO. No spamming or drive by posting.